Although I've been single for three years, I've only seriously been dating for about a year now.
The first of the three years was the break up from my long term relationship and figuring out who I am. As you can imagine, after being with another human being for absolute years, you kinda forget you.
In that year, I quickly rushed into something with 'The Original Heartbreaker'. I hadn't really dated much before 'The Ex', and 'The Heartbreaker' gave me a taster of what to expect. That was some shock to my system. And it took me longer to get over 'The Heartbreaker' - the man who I'd only known for a little over a month - compared to 'The Ex' who I'd been with for seven years.
The second year was pretty much going on lots of dates. Well, isn't that what dating is about? No, actually it's not. Because if you don't know what you want, then in effect you're wasting your time and the other person's time. In the process, I became that girl who seldom went on a second date with any guy. Nothing was wrong with the men I met. Everything was wrong with me because I just didn't know what I wanted.
The third year, starting last year, has been the most interesting. I gave people a chance, I was breaking away from 'the ridiculous type' I had in mind in Year 2, and I did end up meeting some great guys. And although I was more open and taking more chances, I still ended up getting my heartbroken.
One of them was 'The Ghoster'. A guy who went from being so into me, he suggested making plans for winter in August, to being a person who might as well have been someone I'd totally made up in my head.
The other was more recently 'Keen Bean'; as he got known on my Twitter.
I had a lot of fun with Bean.
One of the very first things I told him on the very first night we met was to never ghost, and unsurprisingly, that's exactly what he did.
Unlike 'The Ghoster', I have since had my closure with Bean. He apologised and said he ghosted because he didn't think he needed to let me know he'd started seeing someone else. By the way, the answer is yes. If you've been on a few dates and been intimate with another human being, you owe them that much respect.
So, at this point, I feel like I'm that Good Girl who is one heartbreak away from being a Bad Girl. But...
I know that wouldn't be authentic of who I am. So instead of being a jaded man hater, I am going to go back on that journey that started at the very beginning, of being that girl who wanted to find out who she really is...

The first of the three years was the break up from my long term relationship and figuring out who I am. As you can imagine, after being with another human being for absolute years, you kinda forget you.
In that year, I quickly rushed into something with 'The Original Heartbreaker'. I hadn't really dated much before 'The Ex', and 'The Heartbreaker' gave me a taster of what to expect. That was some shock to my system. And it took me longer to get over 'The Heartbreaker' - the man who I'd only known for a little over a month - compared to 'The Ex' who I'd been with for seven years.
The second year was pretty much going on lots of dates. Well, isn't that what dating is about? No, actually it's not. Because if you don't know what you want, then in effect you're wasting your time and the other person's time. In the process, I became that girl who seldom went on a second date with any guy. Nothing was wrong with the men I met. Everything was wrong with me because I just didn't know what I wanted.
The third year, starting last year, has been the most interesting. I gave people a chance, I was breaking away from 'the ridiculous type' I had in mind in Year 2, and I did end up meeting some great guys. And although I was more open and taking more chances, I still ended up getting my heartbroken.
One of them was 'The Ghoster'. A guy who went from being so into me, he suggested making plans for winter in August, to being a person who might as well have been someone I'd totally made up in my head.
The other was more recently 'Keen Bean'; as he got known on my Twitter.
I had a lot of fun with Bean.
One of the very first things I told him on the very first night we met was to never ghost, and unsurprisingly, that's exactly what he did.
Unlike 'The Ghoster', I have since had my closure with Bean. He apologised and said he ghosted because he didn't think he needed to let me know he'd started seeing someone else. By the way, the answer is yes. If you've been on a few dates and been intimate with another human being, you owe them that much respect.
So, at this point, I feel like I'm that Good Girl who is one heartbreak away from being a Bad Girl. But...
I know that wouldn't be authentic of who I am. So instead of being a jaded man hater, I am going to go back on that journey that started at the very beginning, of being that girl who wanted to find out who she really is...

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